The Gorge (2025)

The Gorge (2025) plunges into a sci-fi romance-thriller that teeters on the edge of brilliance and chaos, streaming straight to Apple TV+. Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy star as Levi and Drasa, elite snipers guarding opposite towers of a mist-shrouded gorge hiding a monstrous secret. Forbidden from contact, their isolation sparks a daring connection—until the gorge’s hollow horrors force them into a fight for survival and each other.

Official Trailer

The dynamic between Levi and Drasa sizzles—Teller’s ragged charm meets Taylor-Joy’s sharp intensity, grounding a shaky script with raw chemistry. The hollow men—twisted, branch-like soldiers—add eerie menace, though the plot stumbles in its rush to explain. The action is taut, with sniper duels and creature clashes that grip despite uneven pacing.

The Gorge (2025) - IMDb

Visually, it’s a knockout—craggy towers loom over a foggy abyss, shot with icy precision, while the CGI crafts unnerving beasts that thrill and disturb. The score hums with tense strings and jolting beats, lifting the film’s pulse. It’s a striking world that sometimes outshines its story.

The Gorge (2025) review - Anya Taylor-Joy and Miles Teller bring enough  charm and intensity to keep this flawed film engaging - The Genre Junkie

The Gorge (2025) is a flawed but captivating ride, saved by its stars and stunning craft. It’s a jagged gem that cuts deep when it hits.