The Holiday (2025)

As of February 2025, there is no official announcement or release of a film titled The Holiday (2025). The original The Holiday is a 2006 romantic comedy written and directed by Nancy Meyers, featuring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet as two women who swap homes during the holiday season to escape their personal troubles, leading to unexpected romantic encounters.


Brit + Co - The Holiday 2025
In recent discussions, Nancy Meyers revealed that the original film was not intended to be a Christmas movie, despite its festive setting. She emphasized that the focus was on themes of loneliness and personal growth, and the story could have been set in any season.


The Holiday' Sequel Up to Director Nancy Meyers According to Jude Law
Additionally, actor Jude Law shared insights about the production, noting that the iconic English cottage featured in the film was a set built specifically for the movie, as the perfect location couldn’t be found.

While fans have expressed interest in a sequel, there have been no official developments regarding The Holiday (2025).