Notting Hill (2025)

As of February 2025, there is no film titled “Notting Hill” released in 2025. The most recent film by that name is the 1999 romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. This film tells the story of William Thacker, a London bookstore owner, who unexpectedly falls in love with Anna Scott, a famous American actress, after a chance encounter in his shop. Their romance faces challenges due to their different lifestyles and the pressures of fame.

Notting Hill review – a year-round treat, not just for Valentine's | Notting  Hill | The Guardian


In recent discussions, actor Hugh Grant, who portrayed William Thacker, has referred to his character as “despicable” and questioned the character’s lack of assertiveness.

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While there have been talks about potential sequels or reimaginings, including ideas involving divorce themes, both Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant have opposed such concepts. Therefore, no new “Notting Hill” film has been released in 2025.