
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)

Set in the early 20th century, Atlantis: The Lost Empire follows the story of Milo Thatch (voiced by Michael J. Fox), a brilliant yet overlooked linguist and cartographer working in a museum basement. Milo dreams of proving the existence of Atlantis, a legendary ancient civilization, but his theories are dismissed as fanciful by his peers. His fortunes change when he discovers his late grandfather’s journal, which contains a map leading to the fabled underwater city.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire' (2001) - Rolling Stone Australia

Backed by a mysterious benefactor, Milo joins an expedition led by the charismatic yet enigmatic Commander Rourke (James Garner). The team includes a colorful cast of characters: a tough-as-nails mechanic, a no-nonsense doctor, a bomb-loving demolitions expert, and a sarcastic communications officer. Together, they embark on a perilous journey aboard a state-of-the-art submarine.

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Their mission takes them deep beneath the ocean’s surface, where they face natural disasters, sea monsters, and the challenges of working together as a team. Eventually, they discover Atlantis, a thriving city powered by a mysterious energy source and ruled by the wise Princess Kida (Cree Summer). As Milo becomes fascinated by the Atlantean culture, he learns that the city’s survival—and Kida’s future—are tied to the expedition’s true intentions.

A visually stunning adventure with a steampunk aesthetic, Atlantis: The Lost Empire stands out for its unique art style and ambitious storytelling. It blends action, humor, and heart, exploring themes of discovery, cultural preservation, and the ethical responsibilities of exploration. While initially underappreciated upon its release, the film has gained a devoted following, celebrated for its imaginative vision and compelling characters.