
Halo (2022)

Halo is a sci-fi action series based on the iconic video game franchise, delivering an epic tale set in the 26th century where humanity faces an existential threat from the Covenant, a powerful alliance of alien species. The story follows the journey of the legendary supersoldier, Master Chief (Pablo Schreiber), a Spartan warrior and humanity’s greatest hope in the battle for survival.

Halo' TV Series Has a Premiere Date, New Trailer

As the war rages on, Master Chief grapples with his identity and destiny, uncovering secrets about his origins and the mysterious artifact that could change the course of the conflict. Alongside Dr. Halsey (Natascha McElhone), the scientist behind the Spartan program, and other key figures, he navigates the moral complexities of war, loyalty, and the survival of the human race.

HALO Trailer (2022) TV Series

With breathtaking action sequences, rich world-building, and compelling characters, Halo brings to life the universe beloved by fans while introducing new layers of emotion and drama.