

Prison Break is a critically acclaimed American television series created by Paul Scheuring for Fox. The show follows the gripping story of two brothers, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell) and Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller). Burrows faces a death sentence for a crime he did not commit, while Scofield devises an intricate plan to break his brother out of prison and prove his innocence.

PRISON BREAK 6 — Teaser Trailer (2024) | Wentworth Miller FM Series

The series, produced by an impressive team including Paul Scheuring, Matt Olmstead, Kevin Hooks, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse, Neal H. Moritz, and Brett Ratner (who directed the pilot), has become a hallmark of intense storytelling and clever plot twists. Its iconic theme music, composed by Ramin Djawadi, received a Primetime Emmy nomination in 2006, adding to the show’s legacy.

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Produced in collaboration with Original Film, Adelstein/Parouse Productions (seasons 1–4), Dawn Olmstead Productions, Adelstein Productions, One Light Road Productions (season 5), and 20th Century Fox Television, Prison Break is distributed by 20th Television.

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With its sixth season set to premiere in 2024, Prison Break continues to captivate audiences with its high-stakes drama, thrilling escapes, and compelling character arcs, solidifying its place as a landmark series in television history.