
The Christmas Chronicles 3: (2024)

The Christmas Chronicles 3 (2024) takes Santa Claus (Kurt Russell) and Mrs. Claus (Goldie Hawn) on their most daring adventure yet. The story begins with the discovery of the “Lost Legends Village,” a hidden realm where the origins of Christmas magic are kept. When a rogue elf named Magnus steals the “Eternal Star,” the source of Santaโ€™s powers, the North Pole begins to lose its magic,

Will There Be a Christmas Chronicles 3? | PS Entertainment

threatening Christmas for the entire world. Santa and Mrs. Claus, along with a group of brave elves and reindeer, embark on a perilous journey to retrieve the star and restore the magic of Christmas. The climax features an epic showdown between Santa and Magnus in the heart of the Lost Legends Village, where Santa must make a selfless choice to save Christmas, even at great personal cost. The film ends with the magic restored and a renewed sense of hope for the holiday season.

The Christmas Chronicles 2 Kurt Russell Goldie Hawn Official Trailer Netflix

The movie was produced on a budget of $120 million, which was used to create breathtaking visuals, intricate set designs, and lifelike CGI for the elves and reindeer. The investment paid off, as the film grossed over $600 million worldwide, making it a massive financial success and cementing its place as a holiday classic.