Ghost Track 2024
“Ghost Track” is a horror-thriller film written and directed by Jason M.J. Brown. The story centers on a group of friends who, during their childhood, witnessed the tragic death of their friend Morris, who was struck by a train. Years later, as adults, they find themselves haunted by Morris’s spirit, who appears to seek revenge for his untimely demise.
The film delves into themes of guilt and unresolved trauma, with each character carrying the burden of their past actions. As they confront the supernatural occurrences, they are forced to face their own hidden secrets and the consequences of their childhood decisions.
“Ghost Track” combines elements of suspense and horror, exploring how past events can resurface and impact the present. The narrative builds tension as the friends unravel the mystery behind Morris’s vengeful spirit, leading to a climactic confrontation that challenges their perceptions of reality and justice.
The film has been noted for its pacing and progression, effectively unraveling its story, though some critiques mention that visual elements and atmosphere could have been enhanced to elevate tension and suspense.”Ghost Track” is available for viewing on various platforms. For more information on where to watch, you can visit its Rotten Tomatoes page.