
Ready or Not (2019)

Ready or Not (2019) is a horror-comedy thriller that follows the story of Grace, a young woman who marries into the wealthy and eccentric Le Domas family, who made their fortune in board games. The film takes place on Grace’s wedding night, when she is invited to participate in a long-standing family tradition: playing a game chosen at random from a mysterious box. Grace unwittingly draws “Hide and Seek,” which, unknown to her, turns out to be a deadly version of the classic game.

Ready or Not' Movie Review: A Horror Comedy Delight

As part of the tradition, Grace must hide while the familyโ€”armed with antique weaponsโ€”hunts her down. If they fail to kill her before dawn, they believe a curse will befall them. Grace, initially thinking it’s a bizarre but harmless tradition, quickly realizes the stakes are life and death. The family members, driven by fear of the curse and their own twisted beliefs, go to extreme lengths to capture her.

FlixChatter Review โ€“ Ready Or Not (2019) โ€“ FLIXCHATTER FILM BLOG

Throughout the night, Grace fights for survival, outsmarting the family members and discovering dark secrets about their history and the sinister deal they made with a mysterious benefactor. As the night progresses, the family begins to unravel, with betrayals and unexpected deaths occurring. Grace’s determination and resilience ultimately lead to a climactic showdown.

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In the end, as the sun rises, the supposed curse is revealed to be real, resulting in the gruesome demise of the entire Le Domas family. Grace, covered in blood and shaken but alive, watches the mansion burn and walks away, free from their deadly game.

The film blends horror, dark humor, and social commentary, offering a satirical take on wealth, privilege, and family traditions.