The Shining (1980)
The Shining (1980) directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on Stephen King’s novel, is a psychological horror film that explores isolation, madness, and the supernatural.
The story follows Jack Torrance, an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic, who accepts a job as the winter caretaker of the remote Overlook Hotel, located high in the Colorado mountains. Jack moves to the hotel with his wife, Wendy, and their young son, Danny, who has psychic abilities, also known as “shining.” Danny can see disturbing visions of the hotelโs dark past and communicate telepathically with the chef, Dick Hallorann, who also possesses the “shining.”
As the hotel becomes snowbound during the harsh winter, Jack begins to unravel mentally, influenced by the supernatural forces within the hotel. The spirits of the hotel’s tragic past start to manipulate Jack, pushing him toward violence. His mental breakdown culminates in a homicidal rage, and he becomes a danger to his own family. Meanwhile, Danny uses his psychic abilities to try and protect himself and his mother.
Wendy eventually fights to survive and protect Danny from Jack, who has now fully succumbed to the malevolent forces of the hotel. The film ends with an eerie image of Jack’s photograph from 1921, suggesting that he has become part of the hotelโs cursed history.
The Shining is known for its ambiguous and chilling atmosphere, with iconic moments such as the “Here’s Johnny!” scene and the terrifying visions experienced by Danny. Kubrickโs meticulous direction, the eerie score, and Jack Nicholsonโs unforgettable performance contribute to the film’s legacy as one of the greatest horror movies of all time.